Sunday, August 25, 2013

Miss Bracegirdle Does Her Duty Follow Up Activity.

1. What happens to Miss Bracegirdle first? What happens next? Write the numbers 1–13.

A     She finds a knife in the man’s pocket.
B     She gets under the bed.
C     She goes to a hotel and a girl shows her her room.
D     She goes to bed.
E     She goes to meet her sister from the boat.
F     She arrives in Bordeaux.
G    She knows that she is in the wrong room.
H    She realises the man is dead.
I     She sees a man in her bed.
J     She sneezes.
K   She takes a hot bath.
L    The handle of the door comes off in her hand.
M   The maid tells her the man is dead.

2. Imagine Miss Bracegirdle wrote a letter to her brother telling what really happened.  Use the words below to fill in the blanks.

wrong      bath     dead     under     believe
immediately     scream     strange     handle

My Dear Brother,
a I am going to tell you a story that you will
not ……… .

b Are you sitting down? I spent last night
……… the bed of a Frenchman!

c He was ……… !

d I came back to my room after a ……… ,

e but then I saw a ……… man in the bed.

f I knew I was in the ……… room.

g I ……… tried to leave the room,

h but then the door ……… came off in my hand!

i ‘What can I do?’ I thought. ‘I mustn’t ……… .’

3. Match a word or phrase from List A with a word or phrase from List B.

a wake                                                                                       1 station
b cup of                                                                                      2 table
c writing                                                                                      3 box
d door                                                                                        4 tea
e police                                                                                      5 night’s sleep
f letter                                                                                        6 handle
g a good                                                                                    7 up

4.  Complete the following sentences with expressions from Question 3.

a Miss Bracegirdle couldn’t get out of the room because the ………… came off in her hand.

b She finally returned to her room and had ………… .

c In the morning, she asked the girl for a strong ………… .

d She sat at the ………… and wrote a letter to her brother.

e Then she walked quickly to the ………… to send her letter.

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